
Snow Globe and Snowflakes Cushions Pattern

Snow Globe and Snowflakes Cushions Pattern
Snow Globe and Snowflakes Cushions Pattern
From Australian Designer Tied with aRibbon is their Snow Globe and Snowflakes Cushion Patterns. Create these whimsical Christmas Pillows featuring super cute SnowGlobes and Snowflakes. With a Gingerbread House and Gingerbread Man along with gorgeous snowflakes, these pillows will have you in the festive spirit. You can choose which ever Appliqu� method is your favourite to make these Pillows whether you love to machine Appliqu� or love to sew by hand. It is suitable for beginner sewers - you will need basic knowledge of rotary cutting and sewing principles. The finished sizes of the cushions are: Snow Globe Pillow Finished Size � 16�in x 16�in (42cm x 42cm) and for the Snowflake Pillow Finished Size � 16�in x 24�in 42cm x 62cm).

The Practical Quilter

The Practical Quilter is a new concept shopping experience for the New Zealand Quilter with the sole focus of offering the supplies and accessories needed to make amazing quilts, bags or other textile items.